Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Posing a question for you

So I have a question for anyone who cares to help. My daughter is 3 (well, she will be in June). Last summer I went through the nightmare of trying to potty train her. In retrospect, I should have waited. I had just given birth, so she had a new baby in the house, I was a little more on the less than patient side, and she just wasn’t ready. But you always hear that at age 2, you should start with girls.

Needless to say, she got the hang of it by August. Since then, it has had good and bad moments. Sometimes she does WONDERFULLY, and yet others, she doesn’t. She has no problem going #2 in the potty, but wets her pants regularly. And by wet, I mean that she basically doesn’t take the time to quit playing and go to the bathroom. It is never to the point where she leaves the floor wet, but sometimes it will just be a little in her panties and other times it will be on her clothes.

It is frustrating for me, and I don’t know how to get her to stop. When she is home with me, I remind her (or just take her rather) to the bathroom religiously. I know how much she has consumed in drinks, so I can gauge when she will need to go. When we are out, at other people’s homes, or she is with someone else, she has little control. I know it is frustrating for her too, because she knows how to potty and she knows how to ask for help. She just gets too busy.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know she is still young, but the constant wet panties I am afraid are going to cause her to have an infection. We also still use diapers for nap time and bed time, so I don’t know if that is adding to it either…..

i have read several articles on pottytraining, and they all say the same thing--accidents happen.i know it's easy to get frustrated, but the one thing each of these articles says is to not lecture, demean, or make your child feel bad or guilty about could easily turn into an emotional issue. just quickly change her clothes, have her help clean up the mess, and gently say "next time try to tell mommy that you have to use the potty"i don't think wearing diapers at nap or bedtime is adding to the problem, because some kids don't have nighttime control until usually 4-5years old. plus, she's sleeping, so she doesn't realize she's going in her diaper versus using the potty. what you're doing at home, taking her on a schedule to the potty, is a good thing, and keep it up. and try to do it other places, too, maybe that will help avoid an accident?

Thanks for your response! I am interested in the point you made about nighttime control - maybe I won't try to pressure her to stay dry at night. It might be more stressful on she and I if I push her before she is ready! Thanks again!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Welcome Chatty Moms!

Let me start by introducing myself and my interest in this site. My name is Awbrey – many of my family and friends call me “Awbs”. I am a mother of two and a wife. I teach three days a week, and in my “spare” time, love to write and talk about my kids. I also hold a strong interest in moms in the same situation as myself. I recently wrote two articles for a bridal magazine and realized that women have so many questions about EVERYTHING!

I wanted a place where we could all come together and ask those questions or just share what we are going through. There is no better teacher than those who have been where you are. And at some point, we have all been at the same place. I want this site to offer an open ear, and maybe a few words of encouragement and wisdom to women everywhere. I would ideally love to bring women of all different background and positions in life together.

I found that in all of the different stages I have gone through and am still currently going through, I often needed answers. Quick, fast, reliable answers. Often not from doctors, but from others who have been in my situation. When I was getting married, when I was pregnant, before I gave birth, after I had my first child, after my second, basically anytime something out of the ordinary happens – which seems to be often.

So this site will be dedicated to questions and answers. Hopefully we can develop a less congested way of looking through answers. I will do the "dirty" work and collect questions, suggestions, advice, etc through email and post them (without changing the wording unless it is inappropriate, in which case it will not be printed). I will basically be the mediation.

So please, email me and I will gather information and create a post just for you! If we don’t spark conversation to begin with, then I will be posting information about myself or issues that I have recently found moms to be faced with. If you have any issues you would like discussed, let me know! I look forward to meeting a whole new network of ladies!